Friday, June 28, 2013

Journal Entry Four

Week 4

I found this week rather boring. I’m not trying to insult the instructor or the assembly of the material, but the subject matter I was just not interested in. Instead, I’ll talk about my experiences that I based my first production response off of.

I usually have disliked sitting in church for an hour or so on Sundays, ever since I was a kid. I failed to look at it from another perspective. It really is just a pure performance. There are rituals, certain ways of dress, speakers, grand spectacles in the background, etc. Each “performance” even has a different theme or message, with readings to support it.

After church ends, people proceed from the pews in front of the altar, with music playing the background. The audience has a chance to interact with the priest or “lead actor” afterwards, discussing the readings and themes into further and greater detail.

Perhaps the most amusing part for me is that just like other performances, you pay for going to church too. During the middle of the ceremony, people will come around with baskets, asking people to donate any amount of money desired.

After looking at church through this new lens, it may be my favorite kind of performance. No other type of performance is that based in real life, and also rooted in spirituality and self-growth.

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