Friday, June 28, 2013

Journal Entry Three

Week 3

This week’s material was very interesting, it provided a historical background to theater. When I tend to think of theater, I picture Broadway and current productions, especially ones I have seen. It is fascinating to look at how theater originated and really blossomed.

It’s pretty cool how the general structure of traditional theater has not changed that much. When we look at Elizabethan theater, there is a stage in the center of a circular structure, with room for the audience all around. In Spanish theater, there were varying levels of seats which were occupied by men and women alike, with a platform in the center. The crowds were enthusiastic and participative. This may have changed in modern times to applauding post performances, however the concept is still the same.

I also think people have really taken to preserve theater and it’s history. This is evident in films that retell stories, and even create spin off scenarios, such as the movie “Shakespeare In Love”.  

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