Friday, June 28, 2013

Journal Entry Five

Week 5

I wanted to take this week and talk about The Whipping Man. My first thought reading this play was why and how are Simon and John Jewish? They are African American, and I have never in my life encountered an African American Jewish individual. When Simon and John were talking about their ancestors and how they escaped the Egyptians, I could not really take them seriously. It was just too odd for me.

Having said that, I did really enjoy this play for what it was. I thought it gave perspective into a culture that we really don’t take any time to divulge into because their side was the “losing side”. We don’t take into account that they were people too, who may have had different beliefs but shared the same sets of emotions we all do. I really loved the message in this play. All three men were either of different ages, different skin colors, or different beliefs. They all have committed their fair share of regrets, but they all take care of the other, they all believe in family.

The language in this play was not ancient and hard to decipher. I really enjoyed the way they set up the amputation scene as well, leaving all to imagination.  

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