Friday, June 28, 2013

Journal Entry One

Week 1

The article we had to read for week one, "What is Performance?" really struck me. I had always envisioned theater and life in two ways: performing, and not performing, as if they were two separate entities. I had never thought that to actually live was to perform. 

Even when thinking of living as performing, I always imagined any sort of front being put on to be put on in front of other people. I never considered people could actually perform to themselves, with self-esteem so directly tied. 
The article we had to read for week one, "What is Performance?" really struck me. I had always envisioned theater and life in two ways: performing, and not performing, as if they were two separate entities. I had never thought that to actually live was to perform. 

Even when thinking of living as performing, I always imagined any sort of front being put on to be put on in front of other people. I never considered people could actually perform to themselves, with self-esteem so directly tied. 

Another interesting aspect of this article I found was the idea that a performance is just as much about how a person goes about performing as it is about the audience perceiving that performance.

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