Friday, June 28, 2013

Journal Entry Two

Week 2

What I found most captivating this week was Sir Ian Mckellen’s video interview with Ricky Gervais. It really just gives you insight on what certain actors and actresses do when they approach the art of performing. Sir Ian Mckellen was extremely sarcastic, saying that acting was not that hard of a profession, and all it really involved was being a good liar and pretender. If a person came across that video and hadn’t looked into that subject, they would probably assume all actors are sort of these sarcastic, pretentious liars who know how awesome and easy their jobs are. This, however, is not the case.

I have included a link below to an article describing actors who have taken extreme measures to get into a role. It is absolutely incredible how dedicated some of these people are. Two actors who did not make the list are Christian Bale and Daniel Day Lewis. The former is notorious for completely altering his body to play different roles. For instance, Bale dropped 60 plus pounds to play his role in The Machinist, while gaining almost 90 back to play Batman in the Dark Knight Rises. The latter, Lewis, completely transforms into his character, even off the set. He is known to have driven fellow co-workers and family members mad.

This article may be a bit vulgar, so it is NSFW. But it is worth it!

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